Graduate & Professional School Timelines

Graduate School

When are applications due? How far ahead of when I want to go do I need to apply? 

Applications typically become available in late summer or early fall of the year prior to when you want to attend.

Example: You are graduating with your undergraduate degree in May 2025 and want to attend grad school starting Fall 2025. Your application deadline will most likely be somewhere between Nov. 2024-Mar. 2025 to be admitted for Fall 2025. Some schools will admit students to begin their graduate programs in spring or summer semesters and others will only accept students to begin in the fall semester. Check each individual program to determine exactly when your application(s) are due. 

General timeline 

This is an example of a general timeline. If you just recently decided to pursue graduate school or do not exactly fit this timeline don’t despair! Come in and meet with a Career Counselor to discuss your goals and plans and we can help you determine what will work for you.

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1 year+ before submitting your application

  • Research schools and programs of interest to you. Review program application deadlines and requirements to get an idea of what you’ll need to gather/do and when applications are due.
  • Attend information sessions or preview days hosted by your schools or programs.
  • Meet with career counselors, advisors, and other faculty and staff to discuss different programs and degree options.
  • Develop and/or maintain relationships with people who could potentially serve as references for you. 
  • Participate in research, work, or volunteer experiences in your field of interest to build experience to add to your application. 
  • Visit institutions of interest, if possible, to meet with faculty, graduate students, and graduate school admissions professionals to determine if the schools and programs are a good fit for you. 
  • Determine how much it will cost and budget if possible for application fees, official transcript fees, and testing fees. Some schools and tests offer fee waivers so explore if these options are available to you.  
  • Meet with a career development specialist to get assistance with questions regarding researching/applying to graduate school, writing your personal statement, fee waivers, and/or anything else you are curious or concerned about.

6 months+ before your application is due

  • Determine the schools you are applying to. 
  • Prepare for and register to take required admissions tests (e.g. GRE, GMAT, etc.)
  • Create a first draft of your personal statement.
  • Think about who you might contact to provide a letter of recommendation.

3 months+ before your application is due

  • Set up and complete online applications.
  • Finish writing your personal statement and diversity statement (if required). Request feedback from UMD Career Center career development specialists, faculty, mentors, and/or advisors.
  • Identify and contact at least three people to write letters of recommendation. Provide copies of your (draft) personal statement and resume to help them craft their letters.
  • Investigate funding opportunities such as assistantships and fellowships and determine if there are separate forms to complete from the online application.

Approximately 1 month before your application is due

  • Confirm that your letters of recommendation have been sent/received. 
  • Verify all application materials have been received by schools.

After applying

  • Begin preparing for graduate school interviews if they are part of the process.
  • Schedule a practice interview with a career counselor. 
  • Complete the Federal Student Aid Application, FAFSA for financial assistance options.  

After acceptance

  • Review offers of admission and financial support (scholarship, fellowship, assistantship) to help you decide which school to attend. Unless otherwise noted on the admission letter, you have until April 15 to accept or decline the offer.
  • Contact your references, professors, and UMD Career Center to let them know where you were accepted and where you plan to attend. Send a quick thank you to recommendation writers.
  • Fill out the UMD Career Center Post-Grad Survey.

Professional School

When are applications due? How far ahead of when I want to go do I need to apply? 

Applications to most professional schools are submitted through a Centralized Application Service (CAS). These CAS systems typically open up in late spring/early summer of the year prior to when you want to attend.

Example: You are graduating with your undergraduate degree in May 2025 and want to attend school starting Fall 2025. Your CAS application will most likely need to be submitted between May-Aug. 2024 to be admitted Fall 2025. 

Why do I need to submit my application so early? 

Once you submit your application to the CAS system, it will take approximately 4 weeks to “certify” your application and send it to each school you are applying to. Once a school receives your application they will review it and send you secondary applications. These secondary applications include a series of short answer paragraphs/essays to get to know more of why you want to pursue that profession, your goals and experiences, and why you want to attend that particular school. Once those are received, schools then will contact you for an interview if they are interested in moving you forward as an applicant. If you apply EARLY in the application cycle, there will be the maximum number of interview and acceptance spots available. Applications are reviewed on a rolling admission basis - meaning applications are reviewed as they are received. 

General timeline

This is an example of a general timeline. If you just recently decided to pursue professional school or do not exactly fit this timeline don’t despair! Come in and meet with a Career Development Specialist to discuss your goals and plans and we can help you determine what will work for you.

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1 year+ before submitting your application

  • Research schools and programs of interest to you. Review program application requirements to get an idea of what you’ll need to gather/do to submit your application and how to be a strong applicant. Go to the centralized application services for more information and deadlines on your application.
  • Attend information sessions or preview days hosted by your schools or programs.
  • Meet with career development specialists, advisors, and other faculty and staff to discuss different schools to apply to based on your interests and possible future specializations.
  • Develop and/or maintain relationships with people who could potentially write letters of recommendation for you.
  • Participate in shadowing, research, clinical, work, or volunteer experiences in your field of interest to build experiences to add to your application. Check if there is a minimum number of shadowing or clinical hours needed for your intended program.
  • Prepare for and register to take required admissions tests (e.g. MCAT, GRE, PCAT, etc).
  • Visit institutions of interest, if possible, to meet with faculty, graduate students, and graduate school admissions professionals to determine if the schools and programs are a good fit for you.
  • Determine how much it will cost and budget whenever possible for application fees, official transcript fees, and testing fees.
  • Visit UMD Career Center to get assistance with questions regarding researching/applying to professional school, writing your personal statement, and/or anything else you are curious or concerned about.

6 months+ before your CAS application opens

  • Determine the schools you are applying to. 
  • Create a first draft of your personal statement.
  • Identify and contact at least three people to write letters of recommendation. Provide copies of your (draft) personal statement and resume to help them craft their letters.

1-3 months+ before your CAS application opens

After applying

After acceptance

  • Review offers of admission and financial support (if offered) to decide which school to attend.
  • Complete the Federal Student Aid Application, FAFSA for financial assistance options. 
  • Contact your references, professors, and UMD Career Center to let them know where you were accepted and where you plan to attend. Send a quick thank you to recommendation writers.
  • Fill out the UMD Career Center Post-Grad Survey.