Explore recruiting opportunities to connect with UMD students. Our Employer Engagement team is willing to work with your organization to meet your recruitment needs. Recruiting events are available throughout the school year and may be scheduled using Handshake or by contacting our Employer Engagement team.
Information Session
Arrange to host an in-person or virtual information session. This is an excellent way to promote your organization on campus and discuss available career opportunities. These types of events see the best student attendance when scheduled in the late afternoon or evening before participation in a career fair. This event will be set up and promoted to UMD students on Handshake and on our social media platforms.
Events with Student Organizations
UMD has many active student clubs that are open to connecting with employers for presentations and club events, which can be hosted both in-person or virtually. This is a great way to connect with UMD students most relevant to your organization. See the full list of UMD student organizations and reach out to [email protected] to connect your organization to our student clubs.